

Termination of Pregnancy Procedure

Termination Pills

The best time to terminate without any issues and complications is within the first eight or so weeks of pregnancy. 

This a time when the fetus can not survive outside the mother's womb. In fact the baby is not formed in the real sense of the word.Once your pregnancy has been confirmed, and the doctor knows how many weeks along the pregnancy is, and you have decided to end the pregnancy, the procedure offered typically reflects your stage of gestation.Early abortions can be accomplished medically or surgically.

Medical abortion is accomplished by taking of pills or vaginally. The pills cut off blood from the fetus and induce labor. It is a painless process and it succeeds most of time as long the fetus is still within the past few weeks of pregnancy that is = First-trimester (first three months of a pregnancy) 

The Mifeprex/misoprostol drugs are given as follows:

On day one, Mifeprex (200mg or 600mg) as pills are taken by mouth in the doctor's office.On day two or three, misoprostol (800mcg is taken as pills or inserted vaginally) or in an office setting with four hours of observation.

Between days 7 and 10, you return to the office to determine if the abortion has been completed.If it has not, a repeat dose of misoprostol is given or you may undergo a surgical abortion.

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